Banque-outils pour l'évaluation Académie de Strasbourg


Monde du travail

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Would there be detectives waiting for Sam at London Airport? It was crazy to leave Brazil. In Brazil there was sun, freedom and beautiful women. He could live happily for years with his £50,000. In Britain there was rain, trouble, policemen and a strong chance of prison. Next to him, there was sitting a tall, incredibly beautiful girl who looked at him and said:
“My name’s Detective Sergeant Honeybone.”

Sam is:

 A     A detective.

 B     A prisoner.

 C     A sergeant.

 D     A thief.


Sam is:

D     A thief.
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Travelling companion/driver required for American writer ; speaking English, other languages. Chess player appreciated. Excellent pay. Write to Box 492, Newton Tribune.


To apply for this job, you must:

A     Be good at sport and at driving.

B    Be friendly and rich.

 C    Play chess and write novels.

 D    Speak several languages and like travelling.  
To apply for this job, you must:

D   Speak several languages and like travelling.
Presse : petites annonces Monde du travail Repérer les groupes sémantiques

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Who does this ad mainly concern?

A    People who are fed up with ironing
B    People who are unemployed
C    People who collect precious objects
D    People who have a boring life.
Réponse: A Petites annonces
Monde du travail Repérer un champ lexical


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US President Barack Obama warned American teenagers against the fact of putting too much personal information on Internet social networking sites, saying that employers are increasingly turning to sites such as Facebook and MySpace to conduct background checks on job applicants.


In this article it is said that President Obama

A    encourages teenagers to use sites like Facebook or Myspace

B   encourages employers to use sites like Facebook or Myspace

C    thinks it is a good way to find job opportunities

D    thinks it may be dangerous for people looking for a job.
  Réponse: D Presse Monde du travail Repérer des champs lexicaux

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The person who placed this ad

A    will keep an eye on your pets while you are away

B    will sell you animals which will help you get rid of pests

C    will help you get rid of some animals or insects

D   will give you a job as a servant in the Abee company .
Réponse   C Petite annonce
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