Banque-outils pour l'évaluation Académie de Strasbourg



Script Test Corrigé Type doc. Thématique Stratégie
Read the text and circle the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

A:  “Would you mind if I asked you some questions?”
B:  “Not at all, dear boy.”
A:  “How long have you been a creature of the night?”
B:  “Since 1327, that’s six hundred and seventy-nine years.”
A:  “Wow, and how were you born if I can say that?”
B:  “Well, I knocked at the Prince’s palace door one night because I wanted to suck his blood and…”
Who is A talking to?

 A  -  His son.

 B  -  A little boy.

 C  -  A prince.

 D  -  A vampire
D  -  A vampire. Littérature: récit fantastique Littérature Repérer les indications pertinentes  

Sélectionner et mettre en relation les informations

