Banque-outils pour l'évaluation Académie de Strasbourg


Ecole et formation

Script Test Corrigé Type doc. Thématique Stratégie
SCHOOL GAMES EVENING: this will now take place on Tuesday evening instead of Monday
A   There will be a games evening at the school on Monday and Tuesday.

 B    The school has cancelled next Tuesday’s games evening.

 C   The games evening on Tuesday will be in a different place.

 D   The school has scheduled the games evening on Tuesday.
D    The school has scheduled the games evening on Tuesday. Annonce Ecole Segmenter les groupes

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If your students are reluctant to read, give them some non-traditional options. Song lyrics, vacation brochures, assembly instructions, product labels, and catalogs all offer opportunities to “read outside the book”.  
This is a piece of advice for

 A   students who enjoy reading

B   teachers who hate reading

C   students whose teachers can’t stand reading

 D   teachers whose students don’t like reading.
his is a piece of advice for

 D   teachers whose students don’t like reading.

Publicité Ecole
Repérer les indications pertinentes 
A chemistry teacher decided to have a great experiment with his students by using cabbage juice. He was excited and so were the kids. The principal of the school even came by for an unexpected visit - an added bonus, the teacher thought. Everything seemed to be alright but it soon turned out that the teacher had used the wrong type of cabbage. He used green when he should have used red, that's why the experiment didn't work at all. The teacher's experiment was not a success because

A   The kids didn't want the teacher to use cabbage

B   The teacher didn't want the principal to come

C   The teacher used green cabbage

D   The teacher used red cabbage. 

REPONSE   D Récit Ecole Repérer un champ lexical

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____ are an unfair additional expense
 for parents who pay taxes for a free public education.
 ____  diminish economic and social barriers between students.
 ____  help identify intruders in the school.
____  prevent gangs from gathering on the campus.

The SAME word is missing four times in the text below. Choose the correct one.

A    Cars

B    Delinquents

C    People

D    School uniform
Article de journal Ecole Repérer un champ lexical

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