Banque-outils pour l'évaluation Académie de Strasbourg



Script Test Corrigé Type doc. Thématique Stratégie
Mr Ferguson paid $ 1,600 to Ideal Tours last July for a holiday in Florida. According to the travel brochure, the hotel was superb, but as soon as he got there, Mr Ferguson discovered bed bugs, spiders and even mice in his room. Besides, the hotel was very short of staff, the food dreadful and the golf course was just a field 

Mr Ferguson

 A.   must have been pleased with his holiday

 B.   must have enjoyed the service and the food

 C.   must have had a very comfortable room

 D.  can’t have enjoyed his holiday.
D.  can’t have enjoyed his holiday.
Exposé d’une plainte Voyages Repérer des champs lexicaux

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Man:    Could I book two tickets to Dublin? For the day after tomorrow.

Clerk:    Do you want the night ferry, sir? It’s cheaper.

Man:    Er…No, I think my wife would rather take an earlier boat, if possible.

Clerk:    Alright, sir. I’ll put you on the two o’clock. So…that’s two passengers, two o’clock… Friday the thirteenth…

Man:    I’m sorry. Did you say Friday the thirteenth?

Clerk:    Yes. That’s right the day after tomorrow.

Man:    Er… I’d rather not… I don’t know… Maybe there’s another date…

Which sentence is correct?

 A   The man and his wife want to travel by night

B    The man is superstitious

C   The man’s wife doesn’t want to go to Dublin

D   The conversation takes place on Friday the thirteenth.
B    The man is superstitious Dialogue Voyages Repérer des éléments pertinents

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