Banque-outils pour l'évaluation Académie de Strasbourg



Script Test Corrigé Type doc. Thématique Stratégie
 Woman:   "Conductor, please!

Man:  What's the problem, Madam?

Woman (very nervous): Look at the time! When is the train going to leave? It's already five minutes late!"
   This woman is angry because:

 A   the train has not arrived yet

 B   she's lost her ticket

 C   she has just missed the train

 D   the train hasn't left the station yet.
D   the train hasn't left the station yet. Dialogue (gare) Transports  Repérer des éléments pertinents

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"Woman: Bill, don't you think you should slow down a bit? “

"Man: Slow down? Why?”

"Woman: But the speed limit is 70 and you're doing at least 90 and…"

"Man: Look, Susan! I've told you before that you mustn't talk to me while I'm driving. I can't concentrate"   

What does Susan think about how Bill is driving?

A   she thinks he is driving too fast;

 B   she enjoys the way he drives;

 C   she thinks he shouldn't speak while driving;

 D   she thinks he is driving too slowly.
A   she thinks he is driving too fast; Dialogue Transports
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