Banque-outils pour l'évaluation Académie de Strasbourg



Script Test Corrigé Type doc. Thématique Stratégie
My name is Adrian Phillips. I’m 42 years old, and I was born in Dehli, in India, because my father had spent most of his adult life in India in the Indian police up to that time. I have a sister who is 8 years older than myself. She was also born in India. And my childhood was very varied and quite happy as I can remember.

Adrian was born in India because …

A      his sister was older than him

B       his sister was in the Indian

C      his parents were born in India

D      his father worked in India.  
  D   his father worked in India
D   his father worked in India
Famille Trier, classer et relier des informations
Voice1 (father)    Who’s going to lay the table?

Voice2 (child)    Not me! It’s not my turn.
I did it yesterday

Voice3 (mother)    Come on everyone!
The meal’s ready.

Voice2 (child)    About time! I’m starving.
I hope there’s a lot.

Voice1 (father)    Ok, but who’s
  going to lay the table then?

Which statement is correct?

 A   The scene took place yesterday

 B   Dinner is not

 C   One of the characters is very hungry

 D   Everybody volunteers to help.
C   One of the characters is very hungry Conversation Famille Repérer des éléments pertinents


Inférer le sens de mots inconnus

 Mr Gale:    There are some simple rules I’ve always kept all my life. The first is this: don’t give up all the pleasures of life! That’s absolute nonsense. The second is to enjoy all the pleasures of life in moderation.
For instance, I’ve always drunk a little good wine with my meals.   The third is to take some exercise every day.

Reporter:   And how many children have you got?

Mr Gale:    Twenty, but I’ve also had four different wives, all at different times, of course!   

According to Mr Gale, to live a long life people have to

A   do plenty of sport

B  enjoy the pleasures of life in moderation

C  get married four times

D  give up all the pleasures of life.

B     enjoy the pleasures of life in moderation Interview Famille Repérer un champ lexical

Trier l'information

Mettre en relation

 Father:   Your teacher explained to me that you have to find a placement for work experience. I suppose you just conveniently forgot.

Jeff:        Yeah, well…

Father:  Why didn’t you tell me, Jeff?

Jeff:        What difference does it make, dad? I’ll still be bottom of the class, no matter what I do.

Father:   Shut up! Well, I’ve got news for you. I’ve been in touch with my friend Adrian at Billings and Billings.

Jeff:        The advertising agency? I am not…

Father:   Oh yes, you are! You’ll be working at Billings and Billings for two weeks even if I have to drag you
We learn that Jeff

A   has found a placement by himself

B    is compelled to work in an agency

C    is looking forward to working at Billings and Billings

D    is very good at school.


 B     is compelled
to work in an agency
Famille Repérer des champs lexicaux

 Repérer des éléments pertinents

Déduire un sentiment à partir d'une intonation

Inférer le sens d'un mot inconnu

Relier les informations 
