Banque-outils pour l'évaluation Académie de Strasbourg



Script Test Corrigé Type doc. Thématique Stratégie
Betty:   Would you like to go shopping with me, Jill?

Jill:       Of course, I would. I’ve got to buy some make-up.

Betty:   Why not go to the Body Shop, then?

Jill:       Great! It’s the only green shop in town: their sprays don’t contain CFCs and so they don’t damage the ozone layer. And their cosmetics are cruelty-free products.
Jill wants to go to the Body Shop because

A   her favourite colour is green

B   she doesn’t care about the ozone layer at all

C  she wants to buy only cosmetics tested on animals

D  the Body Shop only sells environment-friendly    cosmetics.
D      the Body Shop only sells environment-friendly cosmetics. Dialogue Ecologie  Repérer un champ lexical

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