Banque-outils pour l'évaluation Académie de Strasbourg



Script Test Corrigé Type doc. Thématique Stratégie
-    Can I go out to play?
-    It’s raining!

Who is talking?  
A  two adults.

B  mother and daughter.

C  father and son.

D   two children.

B    mother and daughter. Dialogue Famille  - repérer des indices sonores
- déduire un sentiment à partir d’une intonation

One thing I really wish I had enough money to buy is actually a new home for my mother, because she has done so much for me in life and I feel like I'd like to do something really special for her. Aside from that, as far as I’m concerned, I'd like to have enough money just to be able to travel the world. What would this person do if he had enough money?

A  buy himself a house by the sea side.

B  buy a house for his mother.

C   buy something special for himself.

D  buy himself a new car.

  B buy a house for his mother. Monologue Famille  - repérer des éléments pertinents : personnages